Why Does My Disposable Vape Taste Burnt? And How to Fix It

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why does my disposable vape taste burnt

If you’ve ever encountered the unpleasant taste of burnt vapor while using a disposable pen, you’re not alone. This frustrating experience can be attributed to various factors, but fear not—there are solutions to address and prevent this issue. In this article, we’ll delve into the reasons behind the burnt taste in disposable vape pens and provide practical solutions to enhance your vaping experience.

What is a disposable vape pen?

A disposable vape pen is a type of electronic cigarette that is designed for one-time use. It has a battery, a heating element, and a pod that contains e-liquid with nicotine, flavoring, or cannabis oil. You can use it without charging, refilling, or maintaining it. When the battery or e-liquid runs out, you can throw it away and get a new one. Disposable pens are convenient and easy to use, but they also have some drawbacks, such as being more expensive and wasteful than reusable vapes.

What does a burnt taste like?

A burnt vape tastes harsh, acrid, and bitter. It is often described as tasting like burnt toast, charcoal, or chemicals. The taste can be very unpleasant and can ruin the vaping experience.

Burnt vapes can also produce a burnt smell or burnt hit. This smell is often described as being similar to the smell of burnt hair or plastic.

If you are experiencing a burnt taste or smell from your vape, it is important to stop using it immediately. Continuing to vape with a burnt hit can damage your device and may be harmful to your health.

Reasons why your disposable vape tastes burnt?

There are a few reasons why a disposable pen might taste burnt:

  • Dry hits: One of the most common causes of a burnt taste in disposable pens is taking a dry hit. This happens when there is not enough vape juice on the heating element to vaporize, which can happen if you are chain vaping or if the vape juice level in your vape pen is low.
  • Burnt coil: The coil is the part of the disposables that heats the e-juice and produces vapor. If the coil is burnt, it will produce a burnt taste. Coils can burn out for several reasons, including using the vape pen at too high of a wattage, chain vaping, or using a particularly thick or sweet e-liquid.
  • Low-quality e-liquid: Using low-quality e-liquid can also lead to a burnt taste. Low-quality e-liquids may contain impurities that can damage the wick or may be too thick or sweet, which can cause the wick to burn out more quickly.
  • Counterfeit disposable vapes: Counterfeit disposable pens are often made with inferior materials and components, which can lead to a burnt taste.

How to know if your disposable vape is burnt

Here are some signals to indicate that your vape device is burnt:

  1. Taste: The most common sign of a burnt disposable vape is a burnt or charred taste. This taste is often described as being harsh, acrid, or bitter. It can be very unpleasant and can ruin the vaping experience.
  2. Smoke: Another sign of a burnt disposable vape is smoke. When a disposable vape is burnt, it will often produce smoke or vapor that is dark in color. This smoke or vapor can be very irritating to the lungs and can cause coughing or shortness of breath.
  3. Reduced Vapor Production: If your disposable vape is producing less vapor than usual, it could be a sign that the heating wick is burnt. The heating wick is responsible for heating the eliquid and producing vapor, so if it is burnt, it will not be able to do its job effectively.
  4. Gurgling Sounds: When you take a hit from your disposable vape, you may hear a gurgling sound. This sound is caused by the eliquid leaking into the airflow system. E-juice can leak into the airflow system if the heating wick is burnt, as the burnt heating wick will not be able to vaporize the e-juice properly.
  5. Increased Heat: If you notice that your disposable vape is getting hotter than usual, it could be a sign that the pen is burnt. The coil is responsible for heating the vape juice, so if it is burnt, it will generate more heat than usual. This can cause the disposable vape to become uncomfortably hot to hold.
  6. Short Battery Life: If your disposable vape’s battery is dying quickly, it could be a sign that the coil is burnt.

How to fix a burnt disposable vape

Unfortunately, there is no way to completely fix a burnt disposable vape. However, there are a few things you can try to improve the flavor and performance of your device:

  • Take shorter puffs: Taking shorter puffs will help to prevent the heating wick from overheating and burning.
  • Inhale more slowly: Inhaling more slowly will also help to prevent the heating wick from overheating.
  • Use a lower wattage setting: If your disposable vape has adjustable wattage settings, try using a lower wattage setting. This will help to reduce the amount of heat that is produced by the heating wick.
  • Let your disposable vape cool down: If your disposable vape is starting to taste burnt, let it cool down for a few minutes before using it again. This will help to prevent the heating wick from burning further.
  • Try a different e-liquid: If you are using a particularly thick or sweet e-liquid, it may be more likely to burn the coil. Try using a thinner or less sweet e-liquid to see if that helps.

If you have tried all of the above methods and your disposable vape is still burnt, it is unfortunately time to replace it with a new one.

Here are some additional tips to help prevent your disposable vape from burning in the first place:

  • Prime your coil: Before using a new disposable vape, prime the coil by taking a few dry puffs without inhaling. This will help to saturate the coil with e-liquid and prevent it from burning.
  • Don’t chain vape: Chain vaping is when you take multiple puffs in a row without giving the coil a chance to cool down. This can easily lead to a burnt coil. Try to take a few seconds between puffs to give the coil time to cool down.
  • Store your disposable vape properly: When you are not using your disposable vape, store it in a cool, dry place. Avoid leaving it in direct sunlight or in a hot car, as this can damage the coil and make it more likely to burn.


Why does my disposable vape taste burnt when I take long puffs?

Taking long puffs on a disposable vape can cause a burnt taste for a few reasons:

  • Dry hits: When you take a long puff, you are more likely to take in more air than e-liquid. This can cause the coil to overheat and burn the wick, which will produce a burnt taste.
  • Overheating: Taking long puffs can also cause the coil to overheat, even if you are not taking in more air than e-liquid. This is because the coil has to work harder to vaporize the e-liquid for a longer period.
  • Flooding: Taking long puffs can also lead to flooding, which is when too much e-liquid is drawn into the coil. This can cause the coil to spit back hot e-liquid, which can burn your mouth and throat.

To avoid getting a burnt taste from taking long puffs, try to take shorter puffs and inhale more slowly. You may also want to try using a lower wattage setting, if your disposable vape has adjustable wattage settings.

Why does my disposable vape taste burnt when it’s low on e-liquid?

When a disposable vape is low on e-liquid, the coil is more likely to overheat and burn. This is because the e-liquid helps to cool the coil and prevent it from getting too hot. When there is not enough e-liquid, the coil can heat up too much and start to burn the wick, which will produce a burnt taste.

In addition, when a disposable vape is low on e-liquid, the wick may not be able to properly absorb the e-liquid and deliver it to the coil. This can also cause the coil to overheat and burn.

Why does my disposable vape taste burnt when it’s new?

There are a few potential reasons why a new disposable vape might taste burnt:

  • Overpriming of the coil/wick – Sometimes the manufacturers over-saturate the coil and wick with e-liquid during production. This can cause a burning taste as the excess e-liquid is vaporized.
  • Low quality coil/wick materials – Cheaper coils and wicking materials may break down faster, especially when new, producing a harsh burnt flavor.
  • High PG (propylene glycol) ratio in the e-liquid – Higher PG e-liquids can taste harsher and more chemical-like when the device is new as the wick becomes saturated.
  • Normal break-in period – Similar to new electric heating coils, the initial use of a new disposable vape coil/wick may have a temporary burnt flavor as the materials break in.
  • Defective product – In some cases, manufacturing defects could cause coils to burn out quickly.

Why does my disposable vape taste burnt when I use it in cold weather?

There are a few reasons why your disposable vape might taste burnt when you use it in cold weather:

  • Increased viscosity of e-liquid: In cold weather, the e-liquid in your disposable vape becomes more viscous, or thicker. This makes it more difficult for the coil to wick the e-liquid and vaporize it properly. As a result, you may experience a burnt taste.
  • Condensation: When you use your disposable vape in cold weather, the vapor can condense inside the device. This condensation can then mix with the e-liquid and create a burnt taste.
  • Battery performance: Cold weather can also affect the performance of your disposable vape’s battery. Batteries tend to perform less efficiently in cold weather, which can lead to a decrease in power output. This can also result in a burnt taste, as the coil will not be able to heat up properly.

What should I do if my disposable vape tastes burnt and I can’t fix it?

If you have tried all of the troubleshooting methods mentioned above and your disposable vape still tastes burnt, it is unfortunately time to replace it with a new one.

Here are some tips for choosing a new disposable vape to avoid getting a burnt taste:

  • Choose a reputable brand: There are many different brands of disposable vapes on the market, but not all of them are created equal. Do some research to find a reputable brand that uses high-quality materials and components.
  • Read reviews: Before you buy a new disposable vape, read reviews from other users to see what they have to say about the taste and performance of the device.
  • Avoid counterfeit vapes: Counterfeit disposables are often made with inferior materials and components, which can lead to a burnt taste. Only buy disposable pens from authorized retailers.
  • Prime your coil: Before using a new disposable vape, prime the coil by taking a few dry puffs without inhaling. This will help to saturate the coil with e-liquid and prevent it from burning.
  • Don’t chain vape: Chain vaping is when you take multiple puffs in a row without giving the coil a chance to cool down. This can easily lead to a burnt coil. Try to take a few seconds between puffs to give the coil time to cool down.
  • Use a lower wattage setting: If your disposable vape has adjustable wattage settings, try using a lower wattage setting. This will help to reduce the amount of heat that is produced by the coil and make it less likely to burn.
  • Use high-quality e-liquid: Using high-quality e-liquid can also help to prevent a burnt taste. Low-quality e-liquids may contain impurities that can damage the coil or maybe too thick or sweet, which can cause the coil to burn out more quickly.

Where can I buy a new disposable vape?

You can buy disposable pens at a variety of places, including:

  • Online Retailers: Platforms like Amazon, Element Vape, and VaporDNA.
  • Vape Shops: Specialty stores catering to e-cigarettes and related products.
  • Convenience Stores: Some stock disposable vapes, especially in vaping-friendly areas.
  • Gas Stations: Limited selection, but some gas stations carry disposables.


Troubleshooting a burnt taste in disposable vapes involves understanding the causes and implementing practical solutions. By following proper usage practices and selecting quality products, you can enjoy a more satisfying and prolonged vaping experience.

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